Initiate is a program for aspiring entrepreneurs and employment seekers to build their knowledge, skills and experience in self-directed, gamified learning.  

What is Initiate

Initiate is a program and network helping aspiring entrepreneurs and job seekers launch a business idea, and develop valuable employment skills in high-demand industries. Tailored for graduates of the Inspire program, Initiate supports its participants through interactive, self-paced, and gamified learning.

Inspire graduates from all regions join cross-territory and provincial cohorts, fostering a rich and collaborative learning experience. Participants can choose between three pathways: a business incubator, an employment incubator, or work-integrated learning placements. Through industry partnerships and up-to-date labor market insights, Initiate offers practical guidance and hands-on work experience, equipping participants for success.

How Initiate Works 

Initiate is broken down into three interconnected streams, given Inspire Graduates options to choose how they wish to progress their goals.

  • Incubator Program

  • Work Integrated Learning

  • Alumni Network

Stream 1: The Initiate Incubator

The Initiate incubator is a safe space for our alumni to grow! It’s a supportive environment where participants  can get support to achieve their goals. Our  Initiate Incubator programs help participants fast track success while minimizing risks and maximizing rewards. The Initiate Incubator is offered in two different streams, giving participants the option to choose whether they want to focus on building employment skills and getting work experience, or launching their own business. 

The Initiate Incubator is the right fit for participants who have:

  • Successfully completed the Inspire Program,  or are referred to Initiate through a partner or community. 

  • Existing experience learning through digital platforms or taking educational programs online. 

  • Abilities and motivation to work independently on their goals. 

  • Aspirations to see rural, remote, and northern economies flourish either through the development of their own business/ non-profit idea or through local employment

Initiate Incubator Program Features

  • Group cohort learning experience, the opportunity to continue to grow your support network

  • Available to 10 participants per cohort with a selection process to help determine who is eligible for this program

  • Northern and Indigenous focused content, leadership and subject matter experts

  • Focus on personalized mentorship and coaching

  • Virtual program for cross Territory and provincial exchanges

  • 12-week program estimated at 6-8 hours of work each week

Stream 2: work experience through Initiate

Coming Soon

Stream 3: Initiate Alumni Network

Inspire participants and graduates will always be part of the Inspire family! Graduates and partners can stay connected through email updates as well and quarterly phone call check-ins. Graduates are also welcome to reach out to our Initiate Manager to get guidance and advice on resources regarding education, employment, or entrepreneurship.

The network will offer a wide range of individual workshops focused on, personal development, career building, and business start up. 

You will also receive invitations to attend any in-person gathering happening in or around your community. 

Hear From Our Participants!

Initiate Team